Greetings! Today I thought I'd take a break from Tomorrowland but go somewhere equally as exciting, Star Wars Weekends! I was lucky enough to be able attend multiple weekends during the 2014 event, and it was out of this world! Star Wars Weekends is an event that runs for about a month in the Spring. It features celebrity panels, autographs from the stars, and lots of chances to meet Star Wars characters. During my visits, I rode Star Tours a lot, met almost all the characters, and saw a few shows including one hosted by the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Clone Wars. With Episode VII coming out next month, I thought I'd post pictures of my journeys into the world of Star Wars and the many interesting characters that populate it's universe!

This man right here is Anakin Skywalker! He has some issues, but he's a cool dude. When I met him, we talked about how fun flying spaceships are. He even offered to take me on a mission and give me a few tips! That hasn't happened yet. Come on Anakin, don't be flaky.
This Tusken Raider was very intrigued by my iPhone! He wanted to take it, but I didn't let him. They can be so pesky sometimes!
Aurra Sing. She's a freaky looking bounty hunter! She was patrolling Hollywood Studios trying to find fugitives, but luckily this Rebel Spy didn't have a bounty on him. I made it out alive!
Captain Rex! One of the best clones out there.
Queen Amidala! She asked if I had seen Anakin, and to tell him to contact her as soon as he could! Wow, clingy much Padme?
Pesky Jawas. Or as like to call them, Rats with Cloaks.
Modal Nodes! Play that funky music alien, play that funky music riiiiight.
Even Mickey and friends got in on the Star Wars fun! Hey Goofy, you might be missing something there bud...
The famous Sith himself, Lord Vader! Very scary, much intimidate.
Mace Windu! Classy guy. I'm tired of these force-wielding Dianogas on this force-wielding ship!
A Gammorean Guard on patrol! Oink Oink!
Boba Fett! Let's be honest, he's probably the coolest Bounty Hunter to ever exist!
Darth Maul! Wish I could have met him when he had his spider legs. He's so epic, I met him again the next weekend.
Luke Skywalker himself! He asked what that creature on my shirt is and I told him its an Olaf from Hoth. He looked scared, and told me he never wants to come face-to-face with one of those!
Onto the next weekend! First we met Princess Leia! She had nice buns. Get it. Buns. Her hair. Why is it 2015 and that hairstyle hasn't caught on? Make this happen, internet.
I tried to use an umbrella as a space flute, didn't work out so well.
Pesky Tusken Raiders again!
Bounty Hunter Zam Wesell! The girl loves purple!
Met Darth Maul again! Check out that epic staredown in the first picture. INTENSE.
Jedis Kit Fisto and Shaak Ti! Shaak came in right when we met Kit Fisto, so we got to meet them at the same time! She was very nice! I should've warned her about Order 66.
Commander Cody! Another clone commander, one of my favorites!
Selfie with a Stormtrooper. What else is there to say?
Boba again! Y r u so cool d00d.
Ahsoka Tano! I never watched Clone Wars before meeting her, but she was super chill so I started watching once I got home and its now one of my all-time favorite shows! She talked about how challenging becoming a Jedi is and I was just like "same".
Clone Trooper!
Count Dooku's apprentice, Asajj Ventress! She is evil. Not even cool evil like Darth Vader. Just plain evil!
MORE EWOKS! AAHHHhh wait a minute....OOOH it's just Chip and Dale dressed like Ewoks! These guys are always fun, we danced around while the character attendant sang Drake. Very surreal haha.
and last but not least, CHEWBACCA! We look like Wookie models don't we? Also notice that we share the same fur color. Am I part Wookie? Mom and Dad, you've got some 'splaining to do.
Well that's it for my photo journal of Star Wars Weekends 2014! Its a lot of fun, so make sure you check it out next year and see The Force Awakens!